Mental exercises for healthier dogs

Is your dog bored? Anxious?

Ever lifted your eyes from your screen and noticed your pup’s sad gaze, silently asking why you’re not playing with them? We all have and it’s a terrible feeling.

It’s bad for them and bad for you

We all know what happens when a pup is bored. Beyond mischief, inactivity increases the risk of developing dementia by 6.5x and can lead to many other illnesses. We often don’t see the signs before it’s already late.

For a loving dog owner, this means guilt, potentially high veterinary costs, and fewer opportunities to bond with a loved family member.

The Joipaw Console can help

Discover an interactive experience that supplements personal play. If your dog gets bored of their toys fast, they need Joipaw. Our device stimulates, entertains, monitors health and activities, and dispenses tasty and healthy treats, helping you keep your pet happy and busy. And most importantly, it strengthens your bond with your dog as you learn and play new games together.

All-in-one health platform

Mental & physical exercise

Share hours of entertainment and bonding with your dog thanks to our collection of tailored games and activities, following the latest results in canine scientific research.

Happy and safe when you’re busy

Fight separation anxiety, boredom and address destructive behaviour with the Joipaw console. Turn it on from the app or let your dog do it themselves.

Data-driven health recommendations

We regularly collect data points and combine them with AI algorithms to provide key indicators of your dog’s health, giving early signals when you might need to see a veterinarian.

We’re working hard in the background to bring Joipaw to you as quickly as possible. Subscribe to support us and be the first to know about our progress.

As easy as 1-2-3


Select a game


See your dog go from beginner to pro level by level


They get treats every time they finish a task

Hear it from them

"Perfect for a Frenchie"

We have done a few sessions using the Joipaw Console. Eden absolutely loved the training including the easy-to-use lickable screen! It was the perfect surface for a Frenchie face. The games were well designed and varied and we are looking forward to our next session.

- Emma and EdenPiglet

"Our dog loved it"

We tried the games with our 1.5 year old German Shepherd. It was great to be able to see our dog’s cognitive skills and abilities develop evidently during the trial. The hardware was durable and high quality, posing no problems for large breed dogs. We would highly recommend Joipaw to any other dog owner as a method to help develop and nurture your dog’s mental wellbeing.

- Mia, James and Vera

"Eli learned so fast!"

We’re amazed by how fast our dog got the hang of the game. There is still so much to explore in terms of how much more our 7 months old pug can achieve. It blows our mind to know that dogs can count! What’s more fascinating about the game is the scientific applications behind it. Dog owners can monitor the health status of their dogs from data collected during game playing time.

- Birjo, Eddie and Eli

"Easy to get started"

Tested out the prototype for Joipaw with my 2 year old dog Maddie and she loved it! The game was very intuitive and she picked up the concept within 30 mins. It was great to see her exercising her brain while being entertained and enjoying treats all at the same time!

- Jamie and Maddie

"A new way to bond"

A new and innovative way for humans and dogs to bond with each other! Joipaw provided Vienna with plenty of mental stimulation and as a pawrent it was rewarding to see how quickly she adapted!

- Hayley, Louis and Vienna

"My dog surprised me"

I was honestly surprised as I had expected dogs not to understand how to interact with a touchscreen, but I was proven completely wrong by Bella who took to it very quickly. She gets very easily bored, so I think these interactive and always changing games are amazing for her.

- Kari and Bella

Ever-growing library of games

Did you know that dogs can count? That they can find intruders in lists of pictures? Your dog is smarter than you think, and our games will show you. Access a growing catalogue of games and puzzles that each target different mental skills. Memory, agility, differentiation, matching, and more!