
dog separation anxiety
Is it separation anxiety or is my dog just bored?
Dersim Avdar

We adopted Kawet in May 2021 from a local charity at the age of 8 weeks old. He was the cutest, sweetest boy, as you can imagine. He also peed and pooped our house, munched on furniture and destroyed 3 pairs of my flip-flops because they were the same texture as his chew toys. I […]

dog separation anxiety
Fighting dog dementia, one video game at a time
Dersim Avdar

I’m a millennial, and as such I am responsible for killing office culture, home ownership and (apparently) canned tuna. I’m also overdue in fulfilling my biological obligations and – to my grandmother’s great distress – my wife and I decided to adopt a puppy instead of giving her grandchildren. And we’re not alone in this.